Well, I singlehandedly destroyed 200GB's worth of harddrive in 5 minutes 3 days ago....
How, you might ask?
I tried catapulting it to across the bridge.....no... just joking..
I used a program to transfer memory from 1 partition to the next...
All was well, until the program had to restart to move memory before startup(technical stuff)
ETA was ...(que drumroll)... 7 DAYS!!!
After moving 7 GB's, I thought .. what the heck (1 hour+ had past) and cancelled it...
When going back to windows , something was not right.. Windows showed my drive with 100% free space(uh oh) and trying to access it proved futile...
ARGHH>>>>!!!! Well, a recovery program took up the case and its been 2days 18hours.....
Will post results next!