Thursday, April 30, 2009

Random Post


Hi there!

NOthing new happened , quite bored at home studying , playing , studying (you know the drill), so i decided to try Photoshop out!

I know these pics are FAR from perfetion, but I' quite impressed with MY Photoshop skill level (size should say it all)

Four Eyes! (No pun intended) and no, they're not mine!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Disaster Finally Adverted!

Finally, after 4 days of worry, panic and plain boringness, my computer is back!

Now, to tweak atuff in the com again....


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Disaster Adverted.....ALMOST

After waiting so bloody long (recovery lags com, cant game properly) I've decided to stop recovery

Fortunately, most of my data shows up!!

Now, as we speak, a team of experts (well, a team of 1) is saving my files to another location to be properly recovered...!

So , problem solved I guess?


Well, I singlehandedly destroyed 200GB's worth of harddrive in 5 minutes 3 days ago....

How, you might ask?

I tried catapulting it to across the just joking..

I used a program to transfer memory from 1 partition to the next...

All was well, until the program had to restart to move memory before startup(technical stuff)

ETA was ...(que drumroll)... 7 DAYS!!!

After moving 7 GB's, I thought .. what the heck (1 hour+ had past) and cancelled it...

When going back to windows , something was not right.. Windows showed my drive with 100% free space(uh oh) and trying to access it proved futile...

ARGHH>>>>!!!!  Well, a recovery program took up the case and its been 2days 18hours.....

Will post results next!

A Fresh Start

Hah........................................still thinking of what to say................

After actually looking through it, I've decided that I'll give my blog a new face (not like it murdered someone.....yet) 

I'll be changing this blog to a MISCELLANEOUS blog ! (magic/music/etc) 

So hope you enjoy the blog (seriously...enjoy it....OR ELSE)
