Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Codename : ABRSM

Woohoo! Finally finished the exam this morning!
Grade 8 is conquered!

Haha, went for the exam in the morning, fingers sweaty and heart racing...what more, my piano teacher was there which meant me probably getting scolding later AFTER the exam XD//

It was ok, thank God the examiner didn't ask me C/G sharp minors in the major 6th scales (technical stuff). It was ok, until...

"Okay Joshua, I would like a E Whole Tone scale"
"Okay...*about to press the keys when*"
(In my mind)
What the heck?! Whole tone isn't even in the syllabus =.=
"Sir, co-could y-you repeat that?"
.....luckily I learnt a whole tone scale the day before....

Songs were okay, until the second song, which was 7 pages long...
*playing the song, midway*
"Joshua, can we stop there, I heard enough, and this IS a long song"
Later, teacher told me either I played REALLY good or REALLY bad, the latter not being the case as I kept tempo.....this time :D

Oral exam
I really don't wanna talk about this cause this is not my musical strong point...Anyway, I kinda did better than last year(yes, this is a second take on the same exam)...

haha, praying to God and I'll not fail this time :D

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