Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life Lesson through a cockroach?

Haha, I bet your thinking "What? Life lesson through a cockroach? How is that even possible?" or "Pie~~"....its true, kinda is anyway. :D /// moving on/

Few days ago I was waiting at the guard house of my apartment for my two friends to do a competition video....

While waiting, I saw a cockroach, walking (or waddling) on the was soo cute! >.< ^^, it'll walk abit, stop, widdle waddle, stop, some more, stop, jump, stop, well, you get the idea.

What was amusing was this little cockroaches journey from my apartment to another, which brings us to the question, why did the cockroach cross the road? Why, to get to the other side, of course!

On its journey, it encountered many near death experiences (3-4 motorcycles, 3 cars, 2 lorries and a foot)

It was amusing watching the little guy cross abit, jump as a wheel would ALMOST squish it, stand still for a second and the continue without second thought...

Which brings us back to the life lesson, I learnt from the cockroach (boy, you sure don't hear me saying that quite often) live life without worries? It didn't stop to follow the car that killed it or jump onto the motorcycle, but it jus carried on...

Lesson learnt! ^_^

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